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[PO] DAM Toys - Gangsters Kingdom - GK008 Spade 7 - Harry
By buying this product you can collect up to 435 loyalty points. Your cart will total 435 points that can be converted into a voucher of RM4.35.
Deposit: RM 50
Company: DAM Toys
Size / Scale: approx 12 inches
PO deadline: 1st March 2015
Arrival date: Q3 2015
黑桃7Harry (哈里)年轻的时候曾做过雇佣军,在战场上死里逃生后回到英国,开始做些临时雇佣的活,一次雇佣中他身中数枪被黑桃j(奥格尔)救起,开始跟随黑桃家族,在黑桃家族这些年怀着对奥格尔的报恩,他表现的很忠诚也很勇猛,得到了黑桃家族的的提拔。他也是看着黑桃6(艾达)成长的人,一直对黑桃6很关心照顾。
“抱歉,裹尸袋有些贵”胡亚雷斯一脸讽刺地说道,右手拿出一把匕首慢慢地伸进包内划开塑封正准备的拿起一叠钞票的时候,但他拿起钞票的手突然被哈里死死地抓住,胡亚雷斯也是眼疾手快之人,立刻察觉不对左手正要抽刀一刻,哈里抓住胡亚雷斯的手用力横推下压挡住胡亚雷斯抽刀的左手动作后借力又将胡亚雷斯用力拉到自己身前,早已伸进包内的右手快速勾动隐藏在包内的散弹枪扳机,一片血雾瞬间喷出,胡亚雷斯被喷飞在地。哈里没有停止抓起胡亚雷斯刚才划开塑封的匕首迅速刺进身边正要拔枪的墨西哥手下的喉管里,哈利顺势将这名手下身体用力推向另名墨西哥人身前,将他死死压在墙壁上,右手扣动腰间的mini uzi,两个墨西哥手下倒在血泼种,这一切动作都是哈利瞬间干净利落连贯完成的。此时他们身上的对讲机里不停传来急促的西班牙语询问声。
就在哈里捡起对讲机的一刻,对面的窗口闪现出一挺 rpg重机枪,子弹顷刻间雨点般呼啸而来,将木屋完全穿透,哈里连忙扳倒厚木桌子掩护自己的身体,木屋外也陆续响起了各种枪声。哈里接通巴伦电话,命令他掩护艾达穿过树林向公路撤退,巴伦在狙击处开始不停来回移动点杀瞄镜里出现的敌人,但他的角度无法看到木屋里机枪手的位置无法将其击毙。但在这时他在镜头里看到一枚rpk 火箭弹从不远处向哈里的木屋飞奔过来。
CHAPTER 4:The war began.
Section3: :The outbreak of war
Honesty is the first casualty of war
The 7 of Spades, Harry, was a mercenary in his early years. Survived from the battlefield, he went back to England and started to take some temporary jobs for hire. During one job he took several bullets, but was saved by Ogier, the J of Spades. Since then Harry followed the Spades family. With gratitude to Ogier, he was full of loyalty and valor, and got promoted in the family. He is also the man who watched Ada, the 6 of Spades, to grow up and always cared for her.
Years spent in the battlefields and mob wars have made Harry a calm, decisive, thorough and fearless soldier. He had some bad feelings about this random deal, suspected that 3 and 4 might already be dead. He tried to dissuade Ada from rash actions, but could not stop her. All he can do was taking best measures to protect her. Harry made his own preparations for this deal.
The deal site is wide open, there are many places to hide, and easily got surrounded by the enemy. Six people including Ada are going to enter the site, equipped with semi-automatic weapons and grenades. One more person is located around the sniping position of the 5 of Spades as protection. On the peripheral roads there will be four SUVs securing two separate evacuation routes, all equipped with automatic weapons, providing cover for the final extraction. A total of twelve people was arranged for this mission, to minimize the loss should anything unexpected happens. Knowing that the Aces family is not trustworthy, Harry has made some modifications to the suitcase carrying cash. There are only two layers of dollars on the top; A Remington 870 shotgun is fixed inside a disguised frame underneath, fully loaded.
The sky is cloudy, not a single sunlight ray could penetrate the haze; the air is damp and cold, rain is drizzling. Two Land Rovers drive into the sawmill, Harry and Ada walks out of the car along with others. Deal is set inside one of the wooden cabins. Harry turns around and tips Ada with a wink, instructing her staying outside, then enters the cabin alone.
Inside the cabin is Juarez, the 3 of Aces, lies back in a chair, with both feet on top of the desktop; besides him are two Mexican underlings. Juarez stands up with his iconic cunning face, opens his arms showing a welcome gesture. Harry walks to the desk, put down the suitcase full of “cash” vertically, aiming the hidden gunpoint directly at Juarez. He opens the suitcase timely and reveals the cash in plastic wrapping, leaving Juarez no time to inspect.
“Rain is heavy, I’m worried about the ink on my new printed bills”, Harry teases. “Where are my men?”
Juarez returns a ghastly smile and makes a signal to his men, one of them picks up an intercom and opens up the window, everyone see those two body bags being carried out of the opposite cabin.
“Sorry, body bags are kind of expensive”, says Juarez with apparent sarcasm, while he picks up a knife slowly cutting open the plastic wrapping. As he is about to take out a stack of cash, his right hand is clamped by Harry’s left. Reacts fast, Juarez draws out another knife with his left hand towards his opponent, but the move is blocked by his own right arm, which is pressed down by Harry. Harry then drags Juarez towards himself, while his right hand already inside the suitcase pulls the trigger. A cloud of blood bursts out of the Mexican’s back, and his body hits the ground. Harry does not slow down; he grabs the knife on the table which Juarez used to cut the wrapping and sticks it right into the throat of the Mexican nearby reaching out to his gun. Smoothly, Harry pushes the spurting body of the Mexican into another and presses the later against the wall, then fires the Mini-Uzi hanging in his waist; Two Mexican underlings fall down into the pool of their own blood. All this finishes within several blinks of an eye, before eager Spanish inquiries come out of the intercoms on the ground.
A RPK machine gun suddenly appears at the opposite window as Harry picks up the intercom, the next second bullets are whizzing through the cabin like pouring rain. Harry kicks town the lumber table promptly as cover, then he hears varies gunfire outside. He reaches Baron on the phone, orders him to cover Ada retreating through the woods. Baron takes down targets locked by his scope one by one, but he cannot get a clear shot at the machine gunner hiding in the opposite cabin. Then he sees a rocket with long white trails, flying towards Harry’s cabin.
“RPG!!!” Baron’s yelling comes out of the phone. Harry jumps back immediately through the back window, then the whole cabin explodes in front of him. Smoke and fire blows Harry away, almost like in slow motion. Drumming in the ear and foggy in his eyes, Harry cannot hear anything and barely sees; Wood chips pierce deeply into his body, and blood is pouring out of enormous number of wounds. He vaguely sees Ada in distance being dragged away by other people, bullets whistling past him, then a Spade family member rushes over and drags him to the back of a pile of lumber.
Several men of the Aces family are outflanking towards that pile of woods…
The “Lucky 7” tattoo on his chest.

左手臂上7美德纹身(The Seven Holy Virtues tattoo on his left arm):
右臂上7罪恶纹身(The Seven Deadly Sins tattoo on his right arm):
DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom - Spade 7
DAMTOYS 1/6 黑帮王国系列 - 黑桃7
9.uzi腰部弹夹包 uzi冲锋枪+短弹夹 uzi长弹夹 x2
17.纸钞 x24
DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom - Spade 7
2.Action bady
3.Black coat collars
4.Black long sleeve shirt
5.Black short sleeve T-shirt
6.Black pants
7.Travel bag
8.The waist holster
9.The waist packs package
10.mmini uzi+Short cartridge
11.Long cartridge x2
13.Mobile phone
15.gloves Palm (4)four
17.banknotes x24
18.Bill box disguise
黑桃7Harry (哈里)年轻的时候曾做过雇佣军,在战场上死里逃生后回到英国,
就在哈里捡起对讲机的一刻,对面的窗口闪现出一挺 rpg重机枪,子弹顷刻间雨点般呼啸而来,将木屋完全穿透,
CHAPTER 4:The war began.
Section3: :The outbreak of war
Honesty is the first casualty of war
The 7 of Spades, Harry, was a mercenary in his early years. Survived from the battlefield, he went back to England and started to take some temporary jobs for hire. During one job he took several bullets, but was saved by Ogier, the J of Spades. Since then Harry followed the Spades family. With gratitude to Ogier, he was full of loyalty and valor, and got promoted in the family. He is also the man who watched Ada, the 6 of Spades, to grow up and always cared for her.
Years spent in the battlefields and mob wars have made Harry a calm, decisive, thorough and fearless soldier. He had some bad feelings about this random deal, suspected that 3 and 4 might already be dead. He tried to dissuade Ada from rash actions, but could not stop her. All he can do was taking best measures to protect her. Harry made his own preparations for this deal.
The deal site is wide open, there are many places to hide, and easily got surrounded by the enemy. Six people including Ada are going to enter the site, equipped with semi-automatic weapons and grenades. One more person is located around the sniping position of the 5 of Spades as protection. On the peripheral roads there will be four SUVs securing two separate evacuation routes, all equipped with automatic weapons, providing cover for the final extraction. A total of twelve people was arranged for this mission, to minimize the loss should anything unexpected happens. Knowing that the Aces family is not trustworthy, Harry has made some modifications to the suitcase carrying cash. There are only two layers of dollars on the top; A Remington 870 shotgun is fixed inside a disguised frame underneath, fully loaded.
The sky is cloudy, not a single sunlight ray could penetrate the haze; the air is damp and cold, rain is drizzling. Two Land Rovers drive into the sawmill, Harry and Ada walks out of the car along with others. Deal is set inside one of the wooden cabins. Harry turns around and tips Ada with a wink, instructing her staying outside, then enters the cabin alone.
Inside the cabin is Juarez, the 3 of Aces, lies back in a chair, with both feet on top of the desktop; besides him are two Mexican underlings. Juarez stands up with his iconic cunning face, opens his arms showing a welcome gesture. Harry walks to the desk, put down the suitcase full of “cash” vertically, aiming the hidden gunpoint directly at Juarez. He opens the suitcase timely and reveals the cash in plastic wrapping, leaving Juarez no time to inspect.
“Rain is heavy, I’m worried about the ink on my new printed bills”, Harry teases. “Where are my men?”
Juarez returns a ghastly smile and makes a signal to his men, one of them picks up an intercom and opens up the window, everyone see those two body bags being carried out of the opposite cabin.
“Sorry, body bags are kind of expensive”, says Juarez with apparent sarcasm, while he picks up a knife slowly cutting open the plastic wrapping. As he is about to take out a stack of cash, his right hand is clamped by Harry’s left. Reacts fast, Juarez draws out another knife with his left hand towards his opponent, but the move is blocked by his own right arm, which is pressed down by Harry. Harry then drags Juarez towards himself, while his right hand already inside the suitcase pulls the trigger. A cloud of blood bursts out of the Mexican’s back, and his body hits the ground. Harry does not slow down; he grabs the knife on the table which Juarez used to cut the wrapping and sticks it right into the throat of the Mexican nearby reaching out to his gun. Smoothly, Harry pushes the spurting body of the Mexican into another and presses the later against the wall, then fires the Mini-Uzi hanging in his waist; Two Mexican underlings fall down into the pool of their own blood. All this finishes within several blinks of an eye, before eager Spanish inquiries come out of the intercoms on the ground.
A RPK machine gun suddenly appears at the opposite window as Harry picks up the intercom, the next second bullets are whizzing through the cabin like pouring rain. Harry kicks town the lumber table promptly as cover, then he hears varies gunfire outside. He reaches Baron on the phone, orders him to cover Ada retreating through the woods. Baron takes down targets locked by his scope one by one, but he cannot get a clear shot at the machine gunner hiding in the opposite cabin. Then he sees a rocket with long white trails, flying towards Harry’s cabin.
“RPG!!!” Baron’s yelling comes out of the phone. Harry jumps back immediately through the back window, then the whole cabin explodes in front of him. Smoke and fire blows Harry away, almost like in slow motion. Drumming in the ear and foggy in his eyes, Harry cannot hear anything and barely sees; Wood chips pierce deeply into his body, and blood is pouring out of enormous number of wounds. He vaguely sees Ada in distance being dragged away by other people, bullets whistling past him, then a Spade family member rushes over and drags him to the back of a pile of lumber.
Several men of the Aces family are outflanking towards that pile of woods…
The “Lucky 7” tattoo on his chest.

左手臂上7美德纹身(The Seven Holy Virtues tattoo on his left arm):
右臂上7罪恶纹身(The Seven Deadly Sins tattoo on his right arm):
DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom - Spade 7
DAMTOYS 1/6 黑帮王国系列 - 黑桃7
9.uzi腰部弹夹包 uzi冲锋枪+短弹夹 uzi长弹夹 x2
17.纸钞 x24
DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom - Spade 7
2.Action bady
3.Black coat collars
4.Black long sleeve shirt
5.Black short sleeve T-shirt
6.Black pants
7.Travel bag
8.The waist holster
9.The waist packs package
10.mmini uzi+Short cartridge
11.Long cartridge x2
13.Mobile phone
15.gloves Palm (4)four
17.banknotes x24
18.Bill box disguise
Kindly drop us a message (Ask a Question) in case this item has sold out, we might able to request extra unit from maker.
By buying this product you can collect up to 435 loyalty points. Your cart will total 435 points that can be converted into a voucher of RM4.35.