DAM Toys - Gangsters Kingdom - GK010 Diamond 4 - Milevsky
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DAM Toys - Gangsters Kingdom - GK010 Diamond 4 - Milevsky

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第四章:战争开始The war began.

第4节:战争的残酷The cruelty of war

Hold the sword in hand, meeting death with smile

米列夫斯基(Метров Лев увал)曾经是地下拳手,在西伯利亚训练营训练过,那里地处在北极圈内的永冻冰层上,及其寒冷,生存条件及其残酷,加上地狱般的管制和训练,只有三分之一的学员能够幸运地活着走出训练营。西伯利亚训练营的训练结果相当惊人,毕业后的学员具有惊人的力量和完美的格斗心理——冷酷、冷静、对生命看的很单薄。






哈里拔出扎进土里的匕首,强撑着身体向米列夫斯基刺去,哈里多年的战场生涯,让他也具备一些格斗技巧,但他此刻身体上有重伤,几个回合下来米列夫斯基闪过哈里的一次猛刺后,一脚将哈里踢到在地,哈里胸口处立刻鲜血上涌,但顽强的哈里强行支撑起身体从地上爬了起来,吐出一口鲜血,手中的匕首握的更紧,再次向米列夫斯基狠狠地刺去,一次,两次,三次被踢倒在地,口中大量的鲜血喷出,直到哈里再也爬不起来,靠在木堆前,眼前已经开始渐渐模糊起来,颤抖的双手还一直紧握着匕首,浑身已无半点力气,神情淡定,嘴角略有一丝的微笑,也许他知道自己很快得到解脱。米列夫斯基慢慢走到哈里身前半蹲下,巨大的双手握住哈里的脖颈处,“прощаемся на всегда”一声脖颈折断的声音发出,一个人永远离去......。


CHAPTER 4:The war began.

Section 4:The cruelty of war

Milevsky used to be an underground boxer, he has been trained a Siberia training camp. The camp was built on permafrost layers in the Arctic Circle. The extreme weather and living conditions, combined with its hellish regulation and training, meant that only those 1/3 lucky trainees could walk out of the camp alive. The outcome of the camp is outstanding, though. Its graduates have superior strength and perfect fighting attitude: cruel, calm, and despising of life.

Milevsky survived in the training camp thanks to his excellent physical condition and strong will; he even killed a polar bear with his bare hands during wilderness survival training, which brought him scars all over his body. This incident eventually made him the new instructor, until the camp got knocked down by the military. But Milevsky soon found a new place to go: underground boxing. With strength, toughness and cruelty, he survived good in the games, and earned a new nickname. “Glacial Man”.

The ace of diamonds is the investor of the underground games, he noticed the great potential of Milevsky, and brought him into the family. At first Milevsky was not quite well-suited for the easy and comfortable life, but when he became aware of a frightening plot, the savage blood in his body became boiling once again, and he was soon recruited by the 2 of diamonds.

After a bang of explosion, the 7 of spades (Harry) got blown out of the window, and is dragged behind a pile of woods by one of his crew. The explosion has stunned Harry, blood is coming out of his ear and body. Bullets hit the woodpile like pouring rain, splashing wood chips are screaming furiously, causing the refugees unable to move. Men of the Aces family are moving to surround the woodpile; Men of the Spades family are falling, while the remaining ones retreat into the forest.

A huge shadow nearly 2 meters high paces out of the smoke. It carries an RPK machine gun and keeps strafing towards the woodpile, as if it tries to smash not only this pile of wood, but also the human hearts behind. An extended magazine is soon emptied, then replaced by a drum, and again, emptied. The spades crew already finished his last clip; he has no choice but to raise his gun and surrender. Harry has recovered some strength and struggles to stand up facing Milevsky: “Let him go, and I’m all yours.” A “Bang” is the reply Harry gets, and his man gets a bullet in the head and falls to the ground. “You are not in the position to negotiate”, says Milevsky, icily, with the in his hand still smoking.

Milevsky throws away all his weapons and tosses a giant dagger under Harry’s feet, “But you can die as a fighter.”

Harry picks up the dagger, staggering rushes into Milevsky. Years in the battlefield have made Harry a decent fighter, but he is heavily wounded. After only a few rounds, Milevsky dodges a stabbing and stomps into Harry’s belly. Harry falls to the ground, blood in his stomach is rushing up to his throat, but he struggles up with one blood spit, holding the dagger even firmer and dashes towards Milevsky again. Once, twice, three times Harry is knocked down, blood pouring from his mouth, until he cannot get up one more time. Harry leans on the woodpile, his vision gradually blurs away, his hands trembling, but he still grasps the dagger tightly. Strength is drained from the body; Harry is calm, with a hint of smile on his lips, maybe he knows that he will soon be free. Milevsky walks to Harry slowly and squats down in front of him, reaches out his huge hands around Harry’s neck. “прощаемся на всегда”, a sound of spine breaking is heard, and a man is forever gone…


Tattoo on Milevsky’s chest after he killed the polar bear.



Milevsky has scars made by the polar bear all over his body.



DAMTOYS GK010 - 方块4 米列夫斯基/ Diamond 4 Milevsky

Gangsters Kingdom--------Diamond 4
黑帮王国---------方块4 米列夫斯基


Gangsters Kingdom--------Diamond 4

2.Action bady
3.Motorcycle protective
4.Long sleeve t-shirts
5.The locomotive jeans
6.The shoulder holster
7.black belt
8.square scarf
9.AK drum magazine package
10.The knife set
11.RPK+long magazine
12.AK drum magazine
13.M1911pistol+2 x magazine
15.gloves Palm (4)four(Limited edition six)
16.Black motorcycle boots


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