J.T studio - YOKU
Deposit: RM 200
PO Price: RM 1480
Retail Price: RM 1580
Company: J.T studio
Size / Scale: Approx 30 CM 1/6th scale
PO deadline: 30th May 2017
Arrival date: Q2 2017
Shipping in May, 2017
Strictly limited to 199 pieces
Design by Jei Tseng
Yoru twin brother, since they were kids Yoku like doing the same thing as his older brother. Ever since Yoru started yoyo, Yoku began learning along with Yoru, but his skill was never a matched of and always below his brother, to a point where everyone thought Yoku was just a second-rate Yoru, which causes Yoku to grew envy and hatred, that made "Night M." to bring him into their clan.
2017, 五月份開始出貨
設計: Jei Tseng
YOKU 是YORU的雙胞胎弟弟,從小喜歡跟哥哥做一樣的事,自從哥哥接觸YOYO之後也跟著學習,但成績一直都在哥哥之下,世人認為YOKU只是哥哥的複製次級品,因此內心產生了忌妒跟憎恨,而被「Night M.」找上。
商品內容 details:
- JT獨家素體 JT Body x1
- 頭雕 Head x1
- 面具 Mask x1
- 耳機 Headset x1
- 項鍊 Necklace x1
- 背包 Backpack x1
- 腰包 Pockets x2
- 尾巴Tail x1
- 上衣 Shirts x3
- 褲Pants x1
- 襪子 Sock x
- 袖套 Cuffs x
- 手型 hands x2
- 鋁合金溜溜球 YOYO x2
- 壓克力地台 Stand x1
- 貼紙 Stickers x1
- 鞋子 shoes x2
- 金屬認證卡 Metal Certification card x1
- 設計包裝 Designed packing box x1
- 海報 Poster x1
- 沒有包括YOX(狐狸) Not including Yox (Fox)
- 高度 High:30 cm
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